Calvary On Mission
Serve Our City – Love His People

Since we are a Family of Faith On Mission with Jesus, choosing to serve others inside and outside of our church is at the heart who we are as a church.
Calvary On Mission is the ministry area within our church that focuses on local and international mission outreaches. Based on our church`s Core Values of Evangelism, Discipleship, and Ministry, it is our goal to serve our city & world while we love His people well.
Evangelism: Every nation and tribe will speak of His name! It is our responsibility and privilege to make His name known.
Discipleship: Following the footsteps of Jesus to help others see how they can be more like Christ.
Ministry: Serving others with the gifts and talents in order to meet tangible necessities, but more importantly their spiritual needs.
Calvary On Mission FAQS:
Who do you work with locally?
We work with established ministries across our city to help assist them in their outreach to our local community. Through supply drives and on-site service projects, Calvary on Mission uses the resources, gifts, and talents we have as a church family to bless and further God`s Kingdom through our partnerships.
Bethel Family Housing
Baptist Community Health Services
Gretna Community Center for Life
What type of mission trips do you take?
Currently, we offer 3 different mission trip opportunities to members of Calvary. From stateside to international, we train and prepare our Calvary Missionaries to serve the Lord and His people in a variety of ways.
Current Mission Trip Opportunities:
Mission Arlington – Arlington, TX
Backyard Bible Club – Construction Projects
*Designed for our Calvary Students
GraceWork – Anchorage Alaska
Apartment Complex Ministry – Sports Camp
*Designed for Young Adults
Harul – Lugoj, Romania
Orphanages – Vacation Bible School – Village Programs
*Designed for Adults